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How to send large data transactions using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter

Posted on 2018/02/07 by George

How can I send large data transactions, messages greater than 64 bytes, using the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter?

Question from a customer: For a communication scenario, I am using the Aardvark Software API for data transactions. Here is the call that I am using: aa_i2c_write (handle, deviceAddress, AA_I”C_NO_FLAGS, numbytes, bufferin)

If I define numbytes=300, is there a limitation when sending data due to the buffer size of 64 bytes? In other words, I would like to know what is the maximum size of data (number of bytes) that the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter can process.

Response from Technical Support: For the Aardvark adapter, the buffer space is 64 bytes, and the maximum slave response is 64 bytes. However, the transactions can be much larger. Here are the details:

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