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How To Graph iMSO-204 Oscilloscope Data Log In Excel

Written by George | 2017/12/19

If you've ever wanted to recreate your oscilloscope screen, it's possible in Excel. This example regraphs both analog and digital waveforms. And this is how to do it:

Step #1
First, log data. Then, email that data to a device that has Excel. The data log will be in *.csv file format. 

Step #2
Here's the excel file that was used to graph the waveforms. Please use it as a reference. The analog is a bit easier than the digital. The digital waveforms require Rows 4-8. Because, Excel isn't smart enough to translate hexadecimals and you are.


Step #3
Plot the graph. Now, you can both post-process the data and re-visualize it for your viewing pleasure!!


Analog - Post Processed (via Excel)

Digital - Post Processed (via Excel)



Source: Oscium