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How to Capture and View Both Timestamps and Data with Beagle Protocol Analyzer

Written by George | 2017/04/10

I just started using the Data Center Software with my new Beagle USB 480 Power Protocol Analyzer to analyze the communication from my PC to an MCU using CDC. It works great and it’s easy to use – but I have one question.

I want to analyze timings and delays between the host and MCU (device) - I need an exact timestamp with the data. Somehow, the timestamp of Data Center Software doesn’t look right - the order of messages CDC-IN and CDC-OUT is correct, but the timestamp is wrong.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong – can you guide me how to view the data the way I need to?

Response from Technical Support:

Thanks for your question! The Beagle USB analyzers with the Data Center Software offer two modes of capture and three modes of viewing data. For your use case, seeing records in time-order, we recommend using the Sequential Mode for capturing data and the Packet Mode for viewing data.

To change a Capture View, select the Capture Settings option in the Analyzer drop down menu.

Note: Only captures that are run in Sequential Mode can be viewed in Packet View.  When using the Class View or the Transaction View in the Data Center Software, the records may not be in time-order due to how the data is grouped for higher level parsing.



About the Capture Modes:

  • Sequential. This mode saves the information necessary to display the capture in time-ordered Packet View
  • Aggregate. To reduce memory usage, this mode discards the information saved in Sequential Mode.  Note: Using this mode disables the ability to use Packet View. The Data Center Software compresses individual data-less sequences, by default, to reduce memory usage during capture with a Beagle USB analyzer.  Packets may not appear in time-stamped order as the beginning of one transaction group may occur before the end of a previous transaction group.

About the Capture Views:

  • Packet. Protocol-level parsing is performed and records are in time-order.  This view disables the higher level parsing. Collapsed groups, such as SOFs and IN-NAKs are broken up as necessary to ensure records are in timestamp order. Note: Only captures run in Sequential Mode can be viewed in Packet View.
  • Transaction. Protocol-level parsing is performed. Records may not be in time-order. Collapsed groups are not broken up for time-order preservation. Since there is no time-order restriction, captures generally appear more compact in this view than in Packet View.
  • Class. Class-level decoding is performed. Records may not be in time-order. Captures generally appear high-level and compact in this view.